

Modern Style for peach and black color, with gold details, to evoke the forms of nature. The lines of peacock feathers intertwine and deform in a play of abstract shapes, creating new visual plots and irregular surfaces. Metallic fabrics and chenille, giving to every movement light, enliven the overview.

Color pesca e nero, con dettagli in oro, per evocare le forme della natura in chiave Liberty. Le linee delle piume di pavone si intrecciano e deformano in un gioco di forme astratte, costituendo nuove trame visive e superfici irregolari. Tessuti metallici e ciniglia movimentano la visione d’insieme, donando luce ad ogni movimento.


Fashion show by Dries Van Noten;

Modern Light Fixtures;

South Asia collection by Alex Aikiu for Desigual;



Home Balcony Design;

Fashion show by Bottega Veneta;


Fashion show by Gucci.

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